This specialty deals with the production, supply, purchase, processing, storage and distribution of wood products in logs and sawn timber and their management are essential components of logistics, in order to guarantee a good delivery rate with quality products. Faced with the growing market for forest biomass, it is important to define and implement appropriate management methods and tools, from the plot to the consumption site.
- Generic Skills
- Have a good understanding of the economic environment and forestry companies;
- Master the computer tool;
- Master written and oral communication;
- Manage a supply chain.
- Specific skills
- Understand the best practices for storing wood energy products from the forest;
- Understand inventory management techniques and their limitations;
- Review packing techniques;
- Search for international buyers...
- Loggers
- Logging clerks
- Construction site supervisors
- Cuber
- Fleet manager etc...
Forestry companies: CFE, GRUMCAM, DINO, STBK etc.
The lessons are evaluated in:
- Continuous assessment
- Personal work of the student
- A semester exam
The first two count for 30% and the exam for 70%. A make-up exam is organized for all those who have not been able to capitalize at the end of the two semesters of the training the 60 credits required.
- Bac+2 with or without BTS in logistics, international trade, commercial action and marketing, sales and marketing; Licence (level 2) in economics and management; DUT in management; Bac+2 in science and technology or industrial production; For all candidates, admission consists of two stages:
- Examination of the application file
- Tests and interview with the teaching team